Dana Island is a small island in the east of the Rough Cilicia region – Silifke of Mersin – of Turkey.
It is located 2,300 meters from the shores of the mainland, 2,700 meters in length, 900 meters in width and 202 meters in height. The region of the island has been subjected to international politics and trade since Bronze Age because of both the cedar trees in the Taurus mountains and iron ore deposits in the Gazipaşa and Anamur regions. In situ presence of many slipways from different periods were discovered on the island and a number of 276 slipways seen and drawn so far.
The slipways of Dana Island are mainly rock-cut style and they are classified according to their visible physical characteristics. Most of the slipways were built and placed side by side. The front parts of some slipways disappeared as a result of erosion; the back parts towards the mainland remained intact. There are also some unstudied rock-cut constructions behind of big slipways that probably indicate special places for their service boats. Some part of slipways also had fallen to the sea due to earthquakes.
The studies and underwater archaeological activities also performed in and around the Dana island in recent years. These underwater archaeological explorations also contribute to the establishment of an underwater cultural heritage inventory. Arkeo Scientific Research Ship was used during the underwater research project.. Underwater archaeologists and archaeology students including master students from UNESCO UniTwin Network Universities did work during the survey. The Island’s slipways entrances were scanned by SCUBA diving devices including normal sea-scooters. Deepwater sites around the island, which are far from the coastline have been researched by sonars and ROVs. Our surveys on the Dana island and its shores will continue in following years.
Kumluca Shipwreck
Idyros Ancient City
Dana Island
Ottoman Shipwreck
Besmi Shipwreck
Hacıvatburnu Shipwreck